What do you do when you are keeping 3 little boys???? GO THE PARK!! Nicholas, Jon Michael, Noah & I pack a lunch and headed to the park today. It was so pretty and nice outside so why not get out and run around for a while. We had a great lunch in the shade and then headed to the playground to let some energy out :) The boys had a bast and I enjoyed getting pictures of them being boys!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Another Birthday....
Sweet little Ashlynn is no longer a year old....she is now 2!!!! Some call them the terrible 2's but, Ashlynn just might be the first kid who might make it through them. She is so precious and sweet. Ashlynn loves Tinkerbell so Jennifer & Brian planned her of course a Tinkerbell party with the surpise guest of Tinkerbell!!!! I loved the look on her face when she first saw her.
As I have said before I love kids parties they just make them so much fun! Ashlynn had all kids of kids at her party from family to friends. I think Ashlynn and her friends had a great party. They played on the swingset, in the sandbox and of course went swimming. Not to mention she got some great gifts and the girl is going to be well dressed for the rest of the year!
Here is a little slide show of her birthday....hope you enjoy!
As I have said before I love kids parties they just make them so much fun! Ashlynn had all kids of kids at her party from family to friends. I think Ashlynn and her friends had a great party. They played on the swingset, in the sandbox and of course went swimming. Not to mention she got some great gifts and the girl is going to be well dressed for the rest of the year!
Here is a little slide show of her birthday....hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"Sweet Caroline"
My friend Amie's little sister is getting married this November....congrats Katie! Well, of course she going to use little Caroline as her flower girl & I must say she going to be a cutie of one. I went with Amie, Caroline & Cooper to David's Bridal so Caroline could try on dresses. I think she was the hit of the show that day in the store because everyone kept saying how cute she is and that she is. Below are two pictures I got while she was trying dresses on. I can't wait to see pictures from the BIG day....it will be a beautiful wedding party!
Caroline in one of the many dresses she tried on....

Caroline and her handsome little brother Cooper!
Caroline in one of the many dresses she tried on....

Caroline and her handsome little brother Cooper!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day 2009
I would consider myself a very lucky young lady when I look at the TWO men in my life that I have loved and been loved back by them. I will first start with my daddy! I am still very much a daddy's girl at 31 as I was when I was born. I have learned over the years that HE is the one man on earth that will always love me more than anything. He has always been there for me through out the years no matter what. I always say I haven't gotten married yet because I haven't found a man who loves me like my daddy and will treat me like he has. The older I get the more I see myself being just like him! I look just like him so he can't ever deny me....ha, ha. I have his blue eyes and yes his gray hair....lucky for me I can color it. I see my business outlook being just like his, I am very much quite in the since I like to keep a lot of things to myself....just like him. All the qualities I can sit here and think about that are like him are just perfect to me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I was given the best man in the world as a daddy and thank our good Lord for him every night.
The second man that I was lucky enough to have in my life for almost 31 years was my paw-paw. Wow, where do I start here? He was the best paw-paw any girl could have ever had. He was so loving and caring but, most of all he was the best Christian man I have ever seen. In all my life I never heard him say anything mean about anyone. He always made sure we prayed before each meal and was never afraid to tell us the good word. Growing up he always made us kids the BEST cheese toast ever when we would spend the night but, he always knew I would still need a bowl of cereal. The funny thing is when I say spend the night he was taken over by ALL girls! He never minded though...you could tell he loved it when we would climb in his lap and just giggle about the craziest things. He loved to play games with us and didn't mind losing so we could always win. Win...what a word I think I won when it comes to the men in my life! Although my paw-paw is now passed on there is not a day that I don't think about him. I know that I will go through things here on earth that he won't be here to see but, I know for a fact he is up in heaven looking down on me.
Here are a few pictures of the two men in my life that I proudly call
DADDY & PAW-PAW...The two men I love more than anything!!!!
Me and my daddy

I love this pic! I took it this past Christmas...I just think it is funny because of the hair color :)

Me and paw-paw at one of my many games.

This is me and my sweet angel....this is the last picture I took with paw-paw.
The second man that I was lucky enough to have in my life for almost 31 years was my paw-paw. Wow, where do I start here? He was the best paw-paw any girl could have ever had. He was so loving and caring but, most of all he was the best Christian man I have ever seen. In all my life I never heard him say anything mean about anyone. He always made sure we prayed before each meal and was never afraid to tell us the good word. Growing up he always made us kids the BEST cheese toast ever when we would spend the night but, he always knew I would still need a bowl of cereal. The funny thing is when I say spend the night he was taken over by ALL girls! He never minded though...you could tell he loved it when we would climb in his lap and just giggle about the craziest things. He loved to play games with us and didn't mind losing so we could always win. Win...what a word I think I won when it comes to the men in my life! Although my paw-paw is now passed on there is not a day that I don't think about him. I know that I will go through things here on earth that he won't be here to see but, I know for a fact he is up in heaven looking down on me.
Here are a few pictures of the two men in my life that I proudly call
DADDY & PAW-PAW...The two men I love more than anything!!!!
Me and my daddy

I love this pic! I took it this past Christmas...I just think it is funny because of the hair color :)

Me and paw-paw at one of my many games.

This is me and my sweet angel....this is the last picture I took with paw-paw.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Look who's turning ONE....
Today was my cousin's 1st birthday....how exciting is that! I love little kids birthday parties you never know what is going to happen. Colt was so excited and loved all his gifts. He got a car from his uncle which was the hit of the party for everyone. Colt's big brother Brodie loved the car also and enjoyed helping his little brother open all his gifts. Colt was really funny when it came time for his cake he wasn't really sure he wanted to dig his hands into it at first but, then he got the hang of it!!!! Brodie & Colt are super get little boys I think Jason and Christy have done a great job :) Here is a little slide show of the pictures I was able to get today....ENJOY!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Holliann turns 19!!!!
My niece Holliann turned 19 this year….wow I can’t believe how fast the years have went! Holliann is a hoot and one of the funniest people I have ever met. I have to say that she is the one person you want to talk to if you are having a bad day because she can make you laugh in minutes. She is not only funny she is absolutely beautiful with eyes that can light up any room. I am so proud of Holliann and the women she has become. She is going to school to be a dental hygienist but, when she is not a school or studying she is working. I really think she could use a few extra hours in the day! I always love when our family gets together because you never know what will be said or what picture of you will show up. She is a great niece and I so happy she had a wonderful birthday. I love her so much & I hope she knows how proud I am of her.
Holliann and her YUMMY cake :)

Holliann and I

Me and my nieces!!
Holliann and her YUMMY cake :)

Holliann and I

Me and my nieces!!

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Simple Prayers
Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.