As, most of you know that read my blog know that I lost my paw-paw last February. Today, would have been his 84th birthday. He was one of the greatest men that I have ever known in my life. He was an outstanding Christian, gentleman, husband, daddy and paw-paw.
I look at him and as a single girl in this life we live in I truly understand why it is so hard for us girls to meet guys now days. He was like I said a true gentleman. He held the door for ladies, he said yes and no mam/no sir, he loved his county and he would do anything to provide for his family. He was an amazing husband and daddy. Now, these I just saw as a child but, I saw how he loved and I mean truly LOVED maw-maw. She was the love of his life and he would have bent over backwards to make her happy. As, for my dad and aunt Vicky he had that TRUE uncontaional love you have for your kids. He was proud of them and the things they had acheived in life and the families they were developing. He was the BEST paw-paw ever! I know every paw-paw has a mug, shirt, or hat that says Paw-paw of the year or even best paw-paw ever but, mine truly was! He loved us, his grandchildren like nothing else in the world. I can remember being a little girl and spending the night at their house and the morning times I would have with him. He always made me cheese taost that to this day I still can not make as good as his. Along with my cheese toast paw-paw always would have me a bowl of ceral. Now for my family that is reading this I am sure they just got a good laugh out of that. As, a child you could cook me a full course meal for breakfast but, it never falled I always thought I needed a bowl of cereal. Then there was the coffee! Ok, so I will admit it I am pretty sure this is where my additaction to coffee came from. Now, I was little so he just gave me a small cup but, it was always so good...and I am sure it had more milk in it than anything. Every morning when I am fixing my cup of coffee or when I am at one of my local Starbucks I ALWAYS think about him and our morning talks over our cups of coffee.
Last, but not least he was an amazing Christian. He as a Christian lived the true life you should as a Christian. The things he showed me in his actions and his words as a child I am truly undersanding now as an adult. He loved our Lord and Saviour and he lived that life everyday. As, an adult now and as I have grown in my Christian walk with the Lord I feel the presence of my paw-paw with me. There are so many times when I am in church praising the Lord and I know he is standing right next to me. I hope as he is watching me from heaven that he knows that he taught me so much as a child and I hope that as he looks down he is beaming with pride.
In good old Hartsfield tradition we went out to eat tonight in honor of a wonderful man's birthday.
I love you paw-paw and I now I will see your smiling face again one day in our home in heaven.
Love you the mostest!!!!