Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh, Surprises I LOVE you!

I love to get surprises I don't care what kind I just love them! I get excited when I get a random cards in the mail (not bills), a sweet comment on facebook, invitations to a party or dinner & of course a surprise phone call from a childhood friend. Today, my friend Callie called me and told me she was down on the southside and would love to meet for dinner. SURPRISE...LOVE IT :) Callie & I met in 3rd grade and have been the best of friends since sitting in Mrs. Johnson's classroom in the 3rd grade pod at Mt. Zion Elementary. Callie is now married to a wonderful guy (Matt) whom she randomly met at a Braves game...hum, maybe I should attend some???? Callie and Matt now live on the northside of town and have a precious baby boy named Jack. She & I have that great friendship, you know the one where you can go for days or even weeks without talking but, pick right up where you left off the next time you see or talk to one another. I adore those kinds of friendships. Life happens and sometimes you just can't talk on a day to day basis like you could when you were a teenager. Callie & Jack met up with my parents and I for Mexican and we had a great time. My parents love Callie to death! I remember when we were teenagers Callie spent the night at the house one night and my dad being the joker that he is convinced Callie that we all get up and eat breakfast as a family together on Saturday mornings. This was so NOT true. He (my dad) was going fishing early that Saturday morning so, by the time Callie and I got up he had been gone for hours. When mom came to my room to tell us lazy teenagers to get out of bed the first thing that came out of Callie's mouth was....I am not hungry, ya'll eat without me. He had truly convinced her!! We still joke with her about this. We had a wonderful time tonight...just look how cute Jack is!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Excited about the change coming my way in the next couple of weeks but, sad to leave one part of my life behind

Actually, the title of this blog explains it all.

Yes, a huge change is coming my way. After being out of the corporate world for almost a year and half I am coming out of retirement and going back to work. I am really excited about the position I have accepted at Diversified Fire & Safety, Inc which is located here in Henry County and even more excited that my commute will only be about 15 minutes :) The only other thing that could make me scream like a school girl is the fact that I will have insurance!!! I haven't had any health, vision (we all know I am blind) and dental insurance since 2008 :(. I don't know if I am happier about having a insurance card in my wallet more than my last credit card?? I can't wait to get back in the world of AR & AP...something about working with numbers all day makes this girl happy :)

They always say with change you have to leave one part of your life behind. Even though I won't be leaving this one part of my life behind as in I won't ever see them again I am sad about leaving the kiddo's I have been keeping for the past months. I have come so attached to them and have fell so on love with them. Ty & Mary always make me smile and laugh and I would have to say we have had some great times. It will be hard not to hear their cute little voices and see their sweet faces everyday. They will always be loved by Ms. Sharon!!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Great Strides 2010

This years CF walk was held at Salem Baptist Church in McDonough. The church offers a great pond with a walking trail around it with a few ducks here and there. On Saturday, May 15 as you passed by you saw a group of kids and adults walking around the pond. We were walking for a great reason...we were walking to make great strides to find a cure for CF.
As, a child and teenager I grew up with a great girl and great friend who had CF but, Julie lost her battle with CF in 1997. I know she is in a much better place and is completly cured now. With that being said I knew about CF, saw what it does to you, & how it affects the ones around you.
When my friend Mandy, told us that Reid had been dignosed with CF my heart broke. I hurt for baby Reid, I hurt for Mandy & Michael and I felt a lump in my throat that felt a little to familar.
As, we were walking for the south metro area so was Columbus and the Atlanta teams. All together $765,000 was raised in hopes to finding a cure and turning CF into Cure Found.
Mandy, started the walk off by speaking and did a great job. Then Mandy gave each child in our group a red balloon to carry in honor of another little boy that is battling CF along with some other health problems. Red, is this little boys favorite color & it was just precious to see the red balloons all around the pond. As, I watched everyone, talked to friends new and old I thought about how one little boy is bringing so many people together. Isn't it just amazing how he, not even a year old can bring so much love into the world. Just when you as an adult think you can never do enough, supply enough money, or give enough time you see a child that lets you know you are doing exactly what you were placed on this earth to do.
Reid, is a precious gift from God to Mandy and Michael. We may never know why he was born with CF, we may never see a cure but, we do know that we all have faith and strength to make sure he see's the longest and best possible life he can recieve.
May each of you that read my blog or just stumble apon it remember to lift baby Reid up in your prayers.
Cures to you,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Generation X or Y

Alright folks who says you can’t learn something from watching t.v.? I really like The Today Show but, even more than that I absolutely love the late hour with Kathie Lee and Hoda. They always talk about things that I find really interesting and give some great advice on finances, food, love life, fashion & make-up…4 out of those 5 topics I really LOVE!!!! Once, a week they do a segment called Guys tell all and I laugh my hiney off at the things these guys will say & how they will answer questions from women on the street. Really, if you haven’t checked it out you should tune in one day. This morning somehow and honestly I don’t remember how they got on the subject of generation X compared to generation Y.
Here is a break down between the two if you don’t know:
Generation X ranges from 1961 to 1981. (I am in this generation)
Generation Y ranges from 1982 to 1995

Generation X witnessed the inception of the home computer, the rise of videogames, cable television and the Internet as a tool for social and commercial purposes. (wow that makes me feel old)
Generation Y has witnessed the rise of instant communication technologies made possible through use of the internet, such as email, texting, and IM and new media used through websites like YouTube and social networking sites like Facebook. They have literally been on a computer since coming out of the womb!!

Here are a few more differences:
Preferred style of leadership
• X - only competent leaders will do
• Y - collaboration with management is expected
Value of Experience
• X - don't tell me where you have been, show me what you know
• Y - experience is irrelevant, as the world is changing so fast
• X - give them direction, and then leave them to it
• Y - questions, questions, questions
• X - expect regular feedback
• Y - need constant and immediate feedback
• X - freedom is the ultimate reward
• Y - money talks
• X - want to continually learn, if they don't they will leave
• Y - still in an exam driven mentality
Work Hours
• X - do their work and go home
• Y - will work as long as needed ...or until they get bored
Work Life Balance
• X - they want to enjoy life to the full, while they are young enough to do so
• Y - their lives are busy - they need a lot of 'me' time
• X - they are committed as everyone else working there
• Y - already working out their exit strategy
Meaning of Money
• X - it gives freedom and independence
• Y - just something that allows them to maintain their lifestyle

Ok, with all this being said…and so out of the normal of my blogs. I think I need a husband that comes from the Y generation. I love how they are hard working and driven to make the best out of their life! If you know me you know I have always said “when I grow up I just want to be a wife and mom” well, if that generation is so hardworking and driven to make the most money my little dream might could happen. I do think both generations have their differences and are better at things in different areas but, I think a generation X and Y could be very compatible. Again, if you know me I need a generation Y hubby because they seem to be MUCH better in the technology department than mine & I need all the help in that area I can get!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

The heart of the family

This year Mother's Day had a whole new meaning to me & NOT because I am a new mom or anything like that but, because of my MOM.

I actually didn't see my mom until at church. I have never been so proud to hug my mom and tell her Happy Mother's Day like I was today. After, all we have been through over the past year it made me look at the day a in a whole new light.

After, church we went to eat with my maw-maw (my dad's mom) & than we had a nice day of relaxing until time to go to my sister's house for dinner. My brother in law had fired up the grill and had steaks all around...well, not all around Cole, Alivia and myself all ate chicken. Dinner was yummy :)

Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures I did get a few of my sister and I trying to get 1 good one with our mom.

Try # 1

I couldn't stop laughing (if you only knew)

What are you looking at Lisa??

Finally got a good one....we just added a grandchild :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The lady in RED

Wow, you couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day or for that matter a more lovely girl today. PERFECT weather for a prom day :)

Nicole, is one of my many nieces you hear me blog about a lot. Actually, yesterday was her 18th birthday. Today, though Cole was defiantly the lady in red! After meeting for many pictures Cole, her date Josh and many of their friends headed downtown. First, stop was dinner at The Melting Pot and then off to the Prom at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center.

Cole, said she had a great time and lived on the dance floor all night!! I was so happy to hear she had a wonderful time :) Her night got even more exciting when she was named Ola High School, class of 2010's Prom Queen!! I was so happy for her :)I always loved going to the prom when I was in school and it makes my heart happy to hear the girls talking about all the good times they are having through the years.

Here's to many more memories through the years!

Friday, May 7, 2010

She will all always be our little Cole bug....

Nicole is my sister's youngest daughter but, she is better known to us & her friends as Cole actually, Cole bug. I can remember the day like it was yesterday that Cole was born. I was in 8th grade and was in the gym of my middle school when they came and told me I was being checked out. I knew at that moment that it could only be for one reason, my sister had to be in labor!! A few hours later Nicole Danielle came into this world and we have been blessed ever sense.

Cole, is very soft hearted, a great listener, and gives wonderful advice to her old aunt...she is wise beyond her years.

I am very blessed to be the aunt to a wonderful niece and I love her very much.

Happy 18th Birthday Cole Bug....I love you to the moon and back!!!!

Simple Prayers

Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.