Ok, now picture overload :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Relay for Life 2012
Ok, now picture overload :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I Wanna Wednesday
I actually got one of things I have been wanting since before Christmas! My parents gave me Tori Spellings new part planning book:
Ok, ok here are two things on my I wanna list, but they are starting to become a need.
Can I tell you how much I HATE wearing my contacts! Can I get an AMEN from anyone who has to deal with these dang things. I am telling you they are a pain, but they are needed because I DESPISE my glasses even more!!
So, my #1 item is:
#2 This one is really becoming more of need than a want because my old faithful HP is gonna go to the other side one day soon. Since I am totally in L-O-V-E with both my Iphone and Ipad I am going APPLE!!
Of, course with the passing of another b-day and getting another year older I might need to add:
- Botex
- Tummy Tuck
- Boob Job
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I Wanna Wdenesday's
Madison Leather Lindsey Satchel by: Coach
My petite feet would be HAPPY in these....
The Nile by Cinderella of Boston
Every girl needs a simple Spring/Summer Dress!!
Dolores dress by: J. Crew
Beach or pool it couldn't be any better in this :
Compliments of Pintrest :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tuesday's Trash
No, I am not going to talk about some kind of political scandal. Sport or reality gossip or anything really juicy at all. All though that might be more interesting than the "trash" I have on my mind.
If, you are someone who knows me. Not facebook, twitter or blog know me, but you know the real life me you know I hate trash night. Honestly, hate could be an understatement. I mean come on have you looked at a trash can lately? They stink, they are nasty...I mean really can you imagine how many germs are hanging out on that thing? Oh, & not to mention the thing is as big as me. No, really it is! I'm only 4'11" so, really I could get in and ride in the thing almost in the stand up position. I REALLY can't express how much I HATE taking the trash out, but hey let's face it it has to be done. If, not I would be on the next season of Hoarders on TLC.
Tonight, while taking the trashcan out to the end of the driveway. I know what a glamours picture you have painted in your head ( insert shorts, t-shirt, no make-up and flip flops ). I caught the smell of a scent that took me back to my childhood. No, silly people not the trash, but the smell of honeysuckles. When I was a little girl (under 5) we had honeysuckles in our backyard. I can remember playing on my swing set or in my life size doll house ( yes, this is the doll house my sister tried to set on fire while I was in...blog for another day ) and smelling them as they were growing on the vines against our fence. I would stop playing and go over and pick a few of them and snack on the nectar in them. I will assume since I have made it into my 30's that it wasn't harmful...unless well, maybe I can use that as excuse for some of my blonde moments in life.
I have to say I love moments like this in life where you are in the mist of other things & something takes you back to childhood memories. Maybe as I take the trash out on Tuesday's from now on I will smell the honeysuckles and it will make a nasty chore a little better!
Ok, just for kicks here is what that little honeysuckle eating girl looked like:

Sunday, April 15, 2012
G-Day 2012
What makes this girl happy? Well, the three "F's" are some of my most favorite things in life...Family, Friends and FOOTBALL!
I mean seriously people Athens, Georgia is really God's country!!
Yesterday, was G-Day in Athens! It was fun, FREE & very family friendly :) My parents & I met up with my best friend, Jennifer,her family & dad to head north to Athens. We found us a nice spot on the campus and set up our tent some tailgating. After hanging out and eating for a little while we head towards the stadium.

In between the bookstore and the Dawg Cafe the band was out pumping up the crowd. We hung out there for a while dancing to the band chants and letting the girls getting their face painted.

Then we took the walk across the bridge and stopped to take some pictures in front of the Stadium. Went into the Stadium and walked through the tunnel up into our seats.

The game was of course laid back since well, we were playing our self...you know the Red team against the Black team. Many old players were there and you could go down against the hedges and get their autograph. UGA was there, but it was so dang hot he pretty much just hung out in his dawg house on ice.
All in all it was great Saturday in Athens! 20 weeks until kick-off & I can't wait!!
Let's go DAWGS!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
This girl just wants to have F-U-N
If, I had to sum up this nice long weekend with one word it would be F-U-N. Seriously, y'all it was the best weekend I have had in a long time!! Friday, I headed to lunch with some friends. Totally not planned it just happen! Really it did just happen...texting back and forth then all of a sudden we were meeting and eating lunch. Then I headed out for a little shopping before meeting up for some friends for dinner. Along with all the eating & shopping I did on Friday I also sat in lots of traffic. I really think 75 south/north leads to well, just about anywhere in the world.
Oh, geez SATURDAY. I tell y'all I was so excited about Saturday!! I mean really I was like a little girl who just knew Santa was about to come :) Ok, so Saturday started with me getting ready and a little tune called pour some sugar on me came on...this totally just added to my excitement and made all kinds of memories from my Senior year of Spring break come back. Why was I getting ready & what was all the excitement about? Well, I was meeting up for lunch (yes, I like to eat) with some of my favorite girls from high school. These girls & I have been through a lot! Lots of cheerleading practices in the dang hot Georgia Summer heat. Friday night football games, cheerleading competitions, a CRAZY Senior cruise to the Bahamas and of course high school drama in general. No, I won't be posting any pictures of Spring break or football games just picture that big 90's hair we all had back in the day! But, I do have one that was taken Saturday :) If, I do say so myself we are not looking to bad for being out of school for 16 years.

Tuesday, will be my best friend's birthday so, we celebrated Saturday night. Jennifer, her husband and another one of our friends headed to dinner & a movie. Dinner was yummy! We tried a local steak restaurant in our town and then headed over to see American Pie Reunion. I have to tell you I have not laughed as hard or as much in a movie as I did Saturday night. I would give American Pie Reunion two thumbs up!!
All in all I had a GREAT weekend! Easter pics will be blogged about later...I'm still uploading them to the my computer!