#1 - A Money Tree in my backyard. I know, I know money doesn't make life perfect, but come on you know we would all be lying if, we didn't agree it should would help. Need to pay a bill? Go pick the money off the tree! Want something new? Go pick the money off the tree!!
Now it doesn't sound so bad does it?
How about NO bills! Oh, how I would love to open the mailbox up and see nothing, but fun things. I mean come on can we please have just one day a week. Sunday don't count because the mail don't run! Yes, just one day where no bills are allowed!!
MY. OH. MY. Let me tell y'all I am so
ALONE! Yes, I said alone - I know gasp!! Oh, it gets better I want to just lay on that beach yes, the one pictured above. Remember money tree earlier so, yes I SO could afford it. Go ahead and get another couple of gasp in because...well, beside being alone I also prefer - NO phone, email, texting, facebook, twitter - NOTHING!! Just me laying on the beach listening to the waves break and feeling the breeze from those cute little palm trees :) Did I mention I want to stay there for oh, lets say a month.
Oh, Oh, Oh...can I get a night of sleep? You know the full night kind. I have heard that those are pretty common with my friends, but why oh, why can't I get it? Yes, people I have heard that there are people out there that crawl in their beds. Get comfy under the covers & sleep...like, sleep all the way through the night. Oh, sweetness can I please get that? Where do I order them from? Do I need to place an order for some of those sheep in the mattress commercials?
It looks so comfy doesn't it? Oh, it is, but I can get a whole nights sleep in the dang thing!
Oh, heck while I'm at it let's just go ahead and wish for world peace too :)
Ok, back to reality....