Since, she has been released she now can drive. Of, all days for her to have to drive somewhere by herself it had to be today when it has been raining cats and dogs outside. My niece Kelsey was sick and needed to be taken to the doctor so mom had to take her. I think I held my breath until mom made it back home but, shhhh don’t tell her that…hee, hee. Funny, thing is she came back in the house limping my heart fell to the floor and I was like what is wrong I just knew she had fell again. She just started laughing and said I had something in my shoe. Good grief women are your trying to send me to an early grave????
Somehow with everyone losing their jobs around here we never have a dull moment!

I thought I would add this a picture of the kitchen of where mom actual fell after mopping. That house cleaning it will get ya every time!
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