Their mom and I go way back in fact her little brother is married to my best friend....I guess you could say we like to keep it "all in the family"ha, ha. As most of you know I am very use to little girls that being since I am the youngest of 3 girls and have 6 nieces and only 1 nephew. Actually almost all my friends have girls also! I have learned a lot about boys this week....mostly how funny they are I am full of stories.
Nicholas is in school so he wouldn't come in until late afternoon but, we had a great time playing kick ball. I must say it has been years since I played a good game of kick ball. Somehow I got put on the team with Noah (which is only 2) needless to say my team lost. Nicholas is very in to sports and knew every rule to every game we played or talked about.Jon Michael had me laughing the whole time I was there. He is one of those kids that you NEVER have a dull moment around! I have taken a mental note of things he said over the past couple of days so I could share with you. I really think if we don't see him as the Bachelor on ABC one year we will for sure see him on the comedy channel.
Noah is a precious 2 year old that is learning from 2 older brothers! He took me by surprise at how fast he would tell JM no I don't want to do that or give that back to me now!!!! As the youngest of 3 kids I know how he sometimes have to defend yourself :) Noah was so sweet and would just want to sit right next to me while we watched cartoons or played.
If I learned one thing this week...BOYS are sweet! They love with all their hearts and can melt yours when they look at you with that precious little smile.
As promised here are some of the Jon Michael famous quotes!
*Hello Sharon is there anything inside that brain of yours?????
*Look at my abs....I have a 4 pack.
*I kind of wish I could do all those things you girls do...well, except for that make-up thing.
*Did you know my neighbors are from China...but, they speak Japanese
*You know why you girls don't understand us's because all boys are aliens.
*I just love Hanna Montana because she is so pretty and so funny.
Here is a little video of picures of the boys...." quality="high" scale="noscale" width="408" height="382" wmode="transparent" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" flashvars="&p=8c28deea1985e415e6ed3b&skin_id=701&host=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="