Is it someone you have known forever or someone you just met? Someone you tell everything to or just bits and pieces to? Is she the person who knows you from the inside out? The one who knows what kind of clothes look best on you and will tell you if your butt looks huge in it? Is she the one that knows he is the one or just the one you are having a good time with?
Well, this is my best friend! She is the one person I have known the longest, had the most fights with, cried with the most, and laughed my butt off with more than anyone! My best friend and I are exactly 2 weeks to the day apart. Our grandfathers and dads both grew up with up each other….how cool is that?!?!
We have been through thick and thin with each other in the past 31 years. Break-ups, make-ups, parents divorce, a marriage, birth of 2 beautiful little girls, family drama, deaths, many shopping trips, road trips, and oh so much more!!!!!
Is there anything you won't do for your best friend? No, when you have a best friend you bend over backwards for them. You call them when you need them and know your phone could ring at anytime when they need you! That is what friends are for!!!!
This past week I went to my best friend’s house to stay for a few days to help out while she had surgery. I think I heard a 100 times or more the words thank you and I could have never handled all of this without your help. I know she felt like she had to say it but, she didn’t that is what we do when a friend needs help. I loved helping out and being there with her. We did have some crazy conversations—due to her being on pain medications I won’t discuss any of those on here!
To answer the question that started it all what is a best friend? A best friend is that one person whom you know with a doubt you can count on no matter what. That one friend who doesn’t judge you!! The one girlfriend who will be there with a glass of wine and say it’s all gonna be alright when things are going bad. The one friend who is more like a sister than a friend and loves you with her heart of hearts!
Here are some pics of me and my best friend Jennifer :)
Jennifer & I at Disney on Ice (we had taken the kids last year)

Sharon, that was the sweetest thing I ever read! It made me teary eyed!!