As, of today my paw-paw has been an angel for 1 year.
Some days, it seems like years and other’s it seems like it just happen yesterday. In some ways, this is the one day I have dreaded all year and in others the one I wanted to hurry up and pass so I could just get it over with. I never thought it would be as hard as it was or I guess I should say as it has been.
One, of my biggest fears I had when he passed was that I would one day forget about him. Not, really forget about him but, not always think about him on daily basis. I am happy to say that fear has not happen and I am sure it will never happen because not a day goes by that his name doesn’t go through my mind. I love that I think about him on a daily basis, that I have sat in my grandparents den or kitchen with my maw-maw and cried with her but, mostly that I know he is in heaven watching over me.
If you really know me you know I loved my paw-paw with my whole heart and still do. He was the most amazing man ever. He could make me laugh, smile, and make me good breakfast and don’t forget the coffee he use to make me! When, he passed away I had so many people tell me how lucky I was to have him in my life for almost 31 years. Well, to be honest I know how lucky I am but, I still want him here with me and I am sure God understands that. There are so many things in my life I haven’t done yet that I wanted him to see. I promise to all my friends out there that when that day comes that you have lose a grandparent I will never tell you how lucky you were to have them for so long…believe me it don’t make the pain any better.
One, of dad’s good friends and a man whom has watched me grow up told me at paw-paw’s graveside something so true. He said: Sharon, you will have good days and bad days & just when you think it is getting much better something will happen. You will see someone that looks like him, acts like him, or someone will ask you about him and it will push you back to where you started. That was the best thing and the truest statement that was said to me. I must say it all happen!
I know I am a better person for being Eugene’s Hartsfield’s granddaughter. I know, I will see him again one day on those golden streets, and I know he is my guardian angel.
I love you the mostest paw-paw

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