Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I wanna Wednesday's - Fall

Fall is almost here. 

Honestly, I am a Spring - Summer chick, but come on Fall being around the corner means new clothes and new styles.  EEK!!  I enjoy wearing my jeans, but my, oh, my do I L-O-V-E scarfs, sweaters and boots.

While playing around on Pintrest I have found a few Fall outfits I can't wait to put together.

 This casual look would be great for Saturday's while running around town. 
I'm really digging the converse ~):
 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the grey off the shoulder shirt, skinny jeans with of course boots!
 I'm a sucker for scarfs so, why not add leggings and boots with an oversize shirt.
 Grey & blue....great combo :)
 This outfit is a must for me!!
 Hair up, skinny jeans, tank & wrap around sweater.
Well, the shoes...yes, they just SCREAM my name :)


  1. I love reading your blog! You keep me laughing :)

  2. Such cute outfits! All of those shoes would have me breaking my neck. LOL


Simple Prayers

Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.