Ok, so if you know me really well oh, what the heck am I saying if you hardly know me at all you know I LOVE my birthday. I am not one to brag or tell my birthday is coming up but, all in all I love the one day of the year that is all about me!! I think the reason I like my birthday so much is because my parents, especially my mom has always made it special. This year I was really excited about it for a few reasons. #1, I got the best gift ever...the news that my mom is cancer free!!! #2, I was more than excited about my day of pampering coming to me. Then last and the craziest reason EVER but, I love getting on facebook and seeing all the notifications telling me happy birthday. I know, how cheesy is that but, I love it. It makes me feel so loved :) Ok, so apparently it don't take much to make me happy...
Anyway, I had a great day and look forward to see what year # 32 has in store for me!

Here's to a great year!!
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