A violent earthquake took place as an angel from heaven rolled back the stone. The guards shook in fear as the angel, dressed in bright white, sat upon the stone. The angel announced to the women that Jesus who was crucified was no longer in the tomb, "He is risen, just as he said."
I do hope that each one of you had a wonderful Easter with your family but, my prayer is that you know why we celebrate Easter. What greater gift can someone give you than their own life. Our Lord and Savior died for each one of us but, rose 3 days later!! He is ALIVE & it is by his grace that we to live also.
I had a wonderful Easter Sunday! I started my day with our Lord in church sharing his wonderful Story to some amazing kids in Sunday school. Then I went to worship him with love and praise in the adult service. After, a wonderful morning at church I ate lunch with my family at my aunt and uncle's house. We had such a yummy lunch and some wonderful company! I was excited not to only have my family with me but, my friend Kara and her husband Aaron. Aaron, just return this past Friday (Good Friday) from Afghanistan where he has been for the past year. It felt so good to sit and share a meal with someone who has also made a sacrifice for my life. We are so happy to have Aaron home safely. THANK YOU Aaron for all you have done for us!!
After, lunch we headed over to my sister's house for a egg hunt with Alivia (my great niece) and dinner. We had such a great time watching Alivia hunt for the eggs and how excited she would get when she found one. Lots of laughs, picture taking and love filled my Easter day.
Thank you Lord for all you have given me & the sacrifice you made for me.
Kara & Aaron

Me & my cousin's Meridith & Britany

Here is a video of Alivia hunting eggs & a few other pictures!
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