We left Friday and made good timing getting up to the campsite. We did have a little surprise when we got there and realized all the tenting camping spots were taken and we would have to sleep in the squirrel's Nest.

We had a great time around the fire cooking our dinner and smore's (yummy). When, we got back to our "nest" and realized um, I had no sleeping bag it got funny and interesting all at the same time. I would like to thank Brian for offering to give up his sleeping bag and thank Ashley for letting me snuggle with her in her sleeping bag. THANKS GUYS!! I would say besides the COLD the hardest part of camping was waking up around 5 to realize I need to go to the bathroom and knowing it was NOT just a few steps away. Thank goodness Ashley & Brittany had the call of nature at the same time. When we got to the bathhouse we realized it was heated and enjoyed our hour long stay in there until we gave in and went back to our nest. I owe another thanks to Brian for waking up at the break of dawn and covering me up with his sleeping bag (the boy knew I was freezing all night) and having a nice warm fire going when we got up...you rock Brian!! Breakfast was very yummy :) We enjoyed some more time at the campfire and then packed everything up(this is when we found my sleeping bag still in back of Sarah's car)and headed to the nearest Starbucks. You know how "city" you are when you are all on your crackberry's finding the nearest Starbucks so we could all get our addiction on. After, our stop by Starbucks...oh, which I must say we had to drive for about hour before we got to one (I guess mountain folk don't like our fancy Starbucks, ha, ha). We then headed to home sweet home.
It was a quick little get away but, we had a great time. I was pretty dang impressed with myself for roughing it for one night. I honestly don't think I have laughed as hard as I did this weekend in months. I can say I would do it again but, I think, no I know I would prefer a tent!
BUT, I was very happy to see this again when I got home!!

Happy trails to ya'll
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