Sunday, May 6, 2012

All in a weekend

Whew!!  What. A. Weekend.

If, I had to sum this weekend up it would be fun slammed back full of fun.

Friday & two little girls went to get our nails and toes done!!
Props to Ansley & Ashlynn we had to wait forever!!  They never made a sound.  We sat on the floor and watched Hello Kitty on the Ipad until they called our names.
Then it happened they called us back and the FUN started:

Ansley with her blue polish

Ashlynn with her purple polish

The girls & I had the best time!!  We all enjoyed our girl time that included being pampered :)
On the way home we let all the windows down, played the radio loud and sang to the top of our lungs.  What memories we made & oh, those giggles come from my backseat are ones I won't EVER forget.
Saturday, mom and I got up and headed to Newnan for the 2012 Great Strides Walk!  One of my very best friends little boy has cystic fibrosis.  Please read up and learn more about CF  45% of the CF population is 18 or older. I don't like those odds so LET'S FIND A CURE!

Today was the Cotton Pickin' Craft Fair so, mom, myself & my best friend head out around 9 this morning.  We had a great girls day that included shopping & laughing!  It was a crazy weekend with a lot jammed into two days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Now, onto laundry and getting ready for a new week. 
Have a good one y'all :) 

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Simple Prayers

Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.