What does a new year to you bring?
New chances? New opportunities? New ways to live and learn? New friends? A new love? A new job?
Do you set New Year's Resolutions? I have in the past, but have learned not to. Why? Why should I? If, I don't achieve them I feel as though I have let myself down & seem to compare myself to others. I have learned I am not perfect - that's a little over-rated. I like myself the way I am. If, I don't expect more from myself, I don't disappoint myself. I set goals as the year goes on. Things I want to achieve. Pay off a credit card, put more money in my savings, do things for others, be a better person. Things that are reachable and things I NEED to do to better myself and my future.
How did you bring in the new year? I LOVE the way I spend new year's eve. I don't go out and party. I don't get all dressed up. I ALWAYS go to my best friends house and spend the evening there. It's a tradition that I love and enjoy. This year UGA was in the Capital One bowl game so, Jennifer's husband was in Orlando for the game so, instead of everyone hanging out at their house it was just Jennifer, me and girls....we had a blast!
Yes, we were in our PJ's by 8:30, comfy on the sofa...
Who needs kisses from a hot guy at midnight. I had "I love you's", hugs, snuggles, and lots of giggles all night long :)
A long with all those giggles we had salon time. Yes, I was pampered from head to toe from the girls. I got a new hairstyle and a very nice pedicure!!
The girls crashed a little after midnight. Jennifer and I sat up to almost 3:00 just talking. We covered about EVERY subject you can think of. We had a lot of giggles too. I love my best friend of almost 35 years. Yes, 35 :)
The way I welcomed in the new year might not be fun or perfect for you, but for me it is. It will always be perfect to me because I welcome a new year with the ones I love.
After, we rolled out of bed this morning. We found our way to the sofa. Watched the Rose Parade. That parade still amazes me. How do they get all those flowers to not die before the parade. I don't have a green thumb at all so, that should never be on the list of dream jobs for me...just sayin.
At, 1:00 we were glued to the t.v and ready to watch our dawgs play!
Geez, this game kept us on the edge of our
While watching the game I was bouncing back and forth between twitter and facebook. I follow on twitter and little couple by the name of Trista and Ryan...yes, the 1st couple to meet and get married from the bachelorette. I love this couple and would love to meet them. They have two stinkin' cute kids!! While on twitter I noticed they were at the game. Their little girl even had her picture made with the GA cheerleaders :) Not, a huge deal to most, but I did think it was pretty cool that they were at the game and cheering on our dawgs.
I hope you all had a wonderful start to the new year! I am looking forward to a great year. I have my goals in mind and things I am ready to change to make this year great.
Happy New Year!! Let's make 2013 even more amazing. Let's learn from our mistakes and prosper from our successes!!

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