Thursday, February 4, 2010

Really I shouldn't think!

I was just thinking earlier today that I haven't blogged in almost a week. Next, I thought nothing really exciting has happen so why blog? Then the phone rang and I realized how wrong that thought was!!

If you are someone who reads my blog you know that life hasn't really been a walk in the park lately and know my mom is battling chemo. Her white blood cells are extremely low so she has to get neupogen shots on a daily basis right now. When your white blood cells are low you have no energy. The lack of energy got mom today. As, she and dad were going into the hospital she fell and injured her ankle. After, they got her up they took her up to get her shot, headed to the E.R. and then over to Resurgen’s Orthopedics. Luckily, it is not broken it is just a bad sprain!!

Note to self....don't do too much thinking!!
*Keep up with mom on her webpage @

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Simple Prayers

Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.