Monday, August 6, 2012

Slow down!!

I can't believe this sweet little thing started 4 year preschool today!!
Alivia is so sweet, loving and funny.  Really, this child says some of the funniest things I have ever heard. 
-Last week when she was spending the night.  I was getting her ready for her bubble bath when she decided she needed weigh herself in my bathroom.  As, she stepped on the scales she looked and me and said "no telling what this thing is going to say".  As, I'm doubled offer in laughter she then follows it up with "38 pounds....still?" As, like 38 pounds is obese for a 4 year old.

Her big thing right now is to point at someone - mainly maw-maw (my mom) while doing the whole she's crazy act.  Although, I believe last week she might have beat all of her comments out with the comment she made to Holliann (her aunt, my niece).  They were going out to eat with my mom. When they went to sit down at the restaurant Alivia looked at Holliann and said "Holliann you can sit across from me so, you can see my pretty face."  Yes, people we lack in NO self-convenience here.

Her personality is so strong & I love that about her.  If, she don't want to talk she isn't, you can't make her.  If, she wants to talk she will talk, & talk & talk.  Sometimes it is like carrying on conversation with a 20 something.

Her teachers said today she was very polite and had very good manners!  Here's to a great year before she's off to "big" school next year, but we won't talk about that.  Sniff, Sniff

3 Year Pre-K

2 Year Pre-K

 Alivia you are so LOVED!!  I can't wait to watch you grow & see the young lady you will become, but can you just slow down a tad!!

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Simple Prayers

Lord, I thank you for your beloved Son, for your unfailing love, and for Your wonderful thoughts. During my busy day, help me to remember all that You have done for me. Help me to follow Your Word and walk in purity of heart.